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Donna Kimick, IBCLC - Helping mothers with breastfeeding and newborn support - Long Island & NYC - Breastfeeding Help Long Island Lactation Consultant

Donna B, Kimick, IBCLC. RLC


(516) 225-7629
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Donna speaks to Pei- Sze Cheng on NBC News 4 NY about the formula shortage of 2022

Donna Presenting for RX Compassion on C- Sections and Breastfeeding

Me and my loving husband - 2012

Me and my loving husband - 2012

Me and my three amazing kids - 2000

Me and my three amazing kids - 2000


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About Donna & Lakeshore Lactation

Donna is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who enjoys working with new mothers and assisting them in achieving an enjoyable nursing experience. She nursed all three of her children, two of them well into toddler-hood. She understands the demands on new mothers and has empathy with them while helping them find their own niche with breastfeeding. Donna truly believes that any amount of breast milk is better than none at all and works with each mother to reach their own goals. She believes in finding holistic solutions to many situations. She has been board certified for about 20 years.

  Donna has been on many local and Tri State news channels over the years discussing the benefits of breastmilk and breastfeeding. Most recently during the spring of 2022, discussing the infant formula shortage and promoting the New York Milk Bank. She also is a Licensed Donor Human Milk Bank Depot in her family business in Copiague NY.

Donna has been a member of and on the boards of many organizations that promote and encourage breastfeeding, as well as associations supporting other healthcare professionals. Namely, LILCA ( Long Island Lactation Consultant Association) and NYLCA ( New York Lactation Consultant Association), USLCA ( United States Lactation Consultant Association), She was an instructor for the IBCLC Certification Course with The Empire State Lactation Consultant Association.

Donna attends many area conferences to learn new findings in the area of lactation. She believes in working hand in hand with both pediatricians and obstetricians, to determine a mother’s situation and tries to devise care plans tailored to each individual situation and strives to stay “abreast” of all new breastfeeding research.


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